How Your Accountant in Roswell Helps You With Depreciation? Have you bought new business assets? Your new small business assets begin to depreciate after you make a purchase. According to tax regulations, certain business assets are required to be expensed on a depreciation basis. Your accountant in Roswell is ready to support you in your […]
Tag: small business
What is the difference between an income statement and a profit and loss statement?

The difference between an income statement and a profit and loss statement is in name only. Both of these terms refer to a report that shows the overall sales, expenses and net income. How does understanding this type of statement help business owners understand their financial health? The income statement is one of the easier […]
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The Top 7 Things Bookkeepers Need from their Clients

When a client starts working with a bookkeeper, there are a lot of details they need to know in order to get the job done right. The client should be aware of and understand everything that is expected of them so that the bookkeeper can do the job in a timely manner. Communication plays a […]